Day 1 My Sketchbook

My sketchbook!

Day 1, February 11, 2015



Will use painting, drawing, and collage techniques to personalize the covers of their sketchbooks.

Enduring Understanding(s):

-Artists plan to create an artwork

-Artists communicate ideas through art

-Artwork can give insight into the background and interests of the artist

Learning Target:

Today students will be able to… use mixed materials to create a sketchbook cover symbolic of themselves.

Key Concepts:

  • Expression
  • Mixed Media
  • Planning


-Planning and Expression

Art Focus:

The art focus for the day is to create a sketchbook cover personal to you.

Literacy Focus:

Mini Critique discussion- students will verbally explain how their sketchbook covers represent them.

See how the class went…

Ashley collaged paint chips on her Sketchbook Cover! The colors represent her favorite colors, favorite flowers, and her femininity.


Nick drew his beginning sketch with a pencil so he could change his drawing as it developed. He shared with me that he loves directions, compasses, coordinates, and maps. So he started drawing a compass, he then used complimentary colors to color the directions on his compass. He added color this way because complimentary colors are positioned on the color wheel the same as directions on a compass.

Nick’s compasses seemed to reflect the sun/ radial stage of Kellogg’s art development stages. In this case the radial is in compass form.


After drawing a traditional compass, he then designed his own compasses, a compass directing you up, down, left, and right; and then a compass designed as if you are standing at the north pole, and one from the south pole.


After completing her sketchbook cover, Ashley drew her favorite flowers in her sketchbook. Then, using the sketchbook as a guide, she painted them on a canvas, mixing her own pink with the help of color expert Nick!

IMG_1339  IMG_1341

Ashley’s flower compositions are representative of Kellogg’s pictorial stage in art development. Her color choice and naming seems to reflect the typical adult desire for art to have pictorial meaning.

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